Social Entrepreneurship

Your questions answered…

What’s on offer? Two activity-based workshops to help you set up a social venture

Who is it for?  Local residents, people who are thinking of setting up a social venture or are running a community group and want to put it on a more sustainable footing – paid or unpaid.

Am I eligible? If you are thinking of starting something up within the Braintree area or are already running a group that wants to grow – YES!

Do I have to attend both sessions?  You can come to one or both sessions.

Will it be too academic? ARU has 20 years’ experience working with community groups and social entrepreneurs like you. 

I’m already running a group, is this for me? Possibly – but see if our Masterclass series would be more helpful.

How much does it cost? The good news is that thanks to Braintree District Council all places are fully-funded.

What is a social entrepreneur? Anyone who has a good idea to make a change for the benefit of society and who decides to put their idea into practice.  Your idea can be big or small, affecting people in your local area or in wider society.  You can be working on your own or with others, as part of an organisation or setting up something completely new.  This programme will help you identify how to turn your idea into practice, how to plan  and how to generate income to support your work.

Day 1 – we will be exploring what sort of social venture you could set up – what are the best options for you?  We will look at different ways of generating income and how you get yourselves organised.  We’ll also think about what resources you have now – and what else you will need.

Day 2 – we’ll be looking at financial planning – how to make sure that your project is viable, how your organisation relates to the wider community and what social impact you think you’ll have – and how to measure it.

Social Entrepreneurship Workshops (Braintree)

  • Workshop One: 19 March

  • Workshop Two: 26 March